Experienced engineers for development projects in Software, Hardware and Project Management

We cooperate with:

Areas of Expertise

We provide experienced consultants in the following areas: 

Creating Value through Cooperation

At CLEVR Engineering, we enter into value-creating collaborations with customers and consultants based on trust, thoroughness, transparency and fairness. We believe this is a good foundation for healthy business relationships.

Freelance Consultant?
Become part of our network.

CLEVR Engineering has the largest network of freelance consultants in Denmark. We’d like to talk to you about becoming part of the network. Maybe we already have a need for you for your next exciting assignment? Maybe we already have a need for you for your next exciting assignment?

Do you need help?

Contact us if you can use our help

in your next development project.

Brian Hørup Obel


+45 30 22 59 99


Jesper T. Rasmussen

Sales Manager

+45 60 87 17 16


Kontakt os hvis du kan bruge vores hjælp i dit

næste udviklingsprojekt

Brian Hørup Obel

Salgschef Vest / CEO

+45 30 22 59 99


Jesper T. Rasmussen

Salgschef Øst

+45 60 87 17 16


Send os en besked

Contact us if you could use our help

in your next development project

Brian Hørup Obel

Sales Manager West / CEO

+45 30 22 59 99


Jesper T. Rasmussen

Sales Manager East

+45 60 87 17 16


Send us a message